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I’m Halim Ashari, I’m a Visual Artist and my style is dark, a lil bit abstract and very conceptual


Here’s a quick little Q&A! Choose: “THIS or THAT?”

  • Sketch/plan first or Go straight into it
  • People or Landscapes
  • Digital Art or Traditional Art
  • Simple backgrounds or Detailed backgrounds
  • Characters and letters or Still life
  • Draw/work indoors or Draw/work outdoors
  • Draw/work without music or Draw/work with music
  • Colourful/bold palette or Pastel/muted palette
  • Whatever comes into mind or Use some references
  • Set up early or Set up on time

Creative DNA

What word or phrase would you use to describe your creative style or approach?

Very.. dark. Although I try to experiment further from that when dealing with client works, I often myself fall back into the same style and tone when it comes to my personal projects. Dark, a lil bit abstract if you may and very conceptual.

Past & Present - Cringe!

Remember what it was like when you started? What work have you done that makes you cringe now?

I remember I started off drawings with my siblings and it became a pastime. We used to write and illustrate our own comic books (made out of the Exercise Book from Primary school) – and it was so fun we would create up to more than 5 of the comic book series. Thinking back, it was so cringey with all the lame jokes and story plots that doesn’t make sense, and not to mention the badly drawn characters with poor anatomy. I’d share a photo of my old drawings but I lost most of it as we grew up. But I still remember the names of the characters (well, some of them) in those comic books and sometimes I do wonder if I should bring these characters back to life (little me would be proud lol).

When I first got my drawing tablet, I was so happy and I started drawing digitally and I tried to be active in the drawing community though it wasn’t as big back then. I learned animation from Powerpoint first (yes I know lame) and I remember I created very cringey type of animations just with PowerPoint back then. Before I got into the current program that I use now, I got into Adobe Flash and.. created.. more cringey stuffs. Here’s an example –

Although it’s nothing serious, I do feel like it’s worth noting how 2015 – 16 me felt proud of that work. Looking back,.. I’m just – No. ??

Do you have any advice for freelancers or those starting out in your creative field?

Just do it. Sometimes I feel that I am very lucky to be where I am today – but looking back, I worked hard for it and I strongly suggest the newcomers to just do your thing and showcase it to the world, no matter how good or bad you may think it’ll be. Things will get better and don’t be scared to venture out and try out new things and meet new people who share the same passion as you. No doubt, it can open up more opportunities for you! But most importantly, learn how to take a break and never quit and of course, do what you are doing with the right intentions. What will be for you, will come for you.

  • Animation and Digital Media
  • Film, Videography
  • Graphic Design
  • Visual Arts

Years of Experience
3 to 5 years

Accepts work in...
Belait, Tutong, Brunei-Muara, Temburong

Creative profiles in Just Bruneians are in the works! Find out more here. In the meantime, visit Halim Ashari's portfolio here:

Halim Ashari's Portfolio
  • Socials
  • Just Bruneians is partnering with Creative Economy Week in 2020 to bring you A Creative A Day, for 30 days!

    Creative Economy Week or CEW is a week-long event and social enterprise focused on the development of the creative industries in Brunei.

    In 2020, CEW is from 14th to 20th December 2020.

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    Hazirah Marzuke

    A web developer and business owner. Keen interest in Brunei internet culture and online communities. Makes lots of lists. Just Bruneians / Brunei Geek Meet

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