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I’m Waiyee Jeffery, I’m a Portrait Photographer and I do wide shots with dreamy soft backgrounds


Here’s a quick little Q&A! Choose: “THIS or THAT?”

  • Sketch/plan first or Go straight into it
  • People or Landscapes
  • Digital Art or Traditional Art
  • Simple backgrounds or Detailed backgrounds
  • Characters and letters or Still life
  • Draw/work indoors or Draw/work outdoors
  • Draw/work without music or Draw/work with music
  • Colourful/bold palette or Pastel/muted palette
  • Whatever comes into mind or Use some references
  • Set up early or Set up on time

Creative DNA

What word or phrase would you use to describe your creative style or approach?

People know my work from my editing, Wide shots and a dreamy soft backgrounds!

Past & Present - Cringe!

Remember what it was like when you started? What work have you done that makes you cringe now?

Yeah i do, when i started doing photography i didnt even know how to direct so throughout the 4 hours shoot (yes 4 hours) it was complete silent! the only communication was “okay good”

Do you have any advice for freelancers or those starting out in your creative field?

My advice to a freelancer or those who starting out is they usually scared to try out, especially approaching models but dont be afraid to reach out people, start small create a network, build up your name and everything will turn out easy!

  • Photography
  • Visual Arts

Years of Experience
3 to 5 years

Accepts work in...

Creative profiles in Just Bruneians are in the works! Find out more here. In the meantime, visit Waiyee Jeffery's portfolio here:

Waiyee Jeffery's Portfolio
  • Socials
  • Just Bruneians is partnering with Creative Economy Week in 2020 to bring you A Creative A Day, for 30 days!

    Creative Economy Week or CEW is a week-long event and social enterprise focused on the development of the creative industries in Brunei.

    In 2020, CEW is from 14th to 20th December 2020.

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    Hazirah Marzuke

    A web developer and business owner. Keen interest in Brunei internet culture and online communities. Makes lots of lists. Just Bruneians / Brunei Geek Meet

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